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**Help us give 1000 books to an awesome Aussie charity.**
Buy one or more books for half the normal price, that will then be given to Hope In A Suitcase, Australia on your behalf. 
Every book you buy will be sent directly to Hope In A Suitcase to be included in suitcases along with clothing, toiletries and other items, given to children entering out of home care/foster care.
How to do it- Follow these simple steps. 

  1. Enter the number of books you would like to give Hope In A Suitcase.
  2. Click, ADD TO CART.
  3. Click VIEW CART.
  4. Choose FREE PICK UP TOWNSVILLE in the postage drop down box.
  5. Click CHECKOUT.
  6. Fill in your details and click CONTINUE.
  8. Choose whether you want to pay with card or through Paypal.
  9. Enter payment details and complete the transaction.

    **Please note. You will not be sent any books. The books you purchase will be sent to Hope In A Suitcase to be given to children entering Foster Care.

    To find out more about Hope In A Suitcase, click the link. 

Buy books for Hope In A Suitcase


    © 2016 by Ian McIntosh.

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