**Help us give 1000 books to an awesome Aussie charity.**
Buy one or more books for half the normal price, that will then be given to Hope In A Suitcase, Australia on your behalf.
Every book you buy will be sent directly to Hope In A Suitcase to be included in suitcases along with clothing, toiletries and other items, given to children entering out of home care/foster care.
How to do it- Follow these simple steps.
- Enter the number of books you would like to give Hope In A Suitcase.
- Click, ADD TO CART.
- Click VIEW CART.
- Choose FREE PICK UP TOWNSVILLE in the postage drop down box.
- Fill in your details and click CONTINUE.
- Choose whether you want to pay with card or through Paypal.
- Enter payment details and complete the transaction.
**Please note. You will not be sent any books. The books you purchase will be sent to Hope In A Suitcase to be given to children entering Foster Care.
To find out more about Hope In A Suitcase, click the link. https://www.hiasc.org.au/
Buy books for Hope In A Suitcase